Faith / Believe – Most Frequently Used New Testament Words
God Himself is the central issue of the Bible, and after that, it is faith. Words about faith are some of the most used words in the New Testament. Read more…
God – 1,153 Occurrences
Jesus – 949 Occurrences
Lord – 606 Occurrences
Faith / Believe – 501 Occurrences
Spirit / spirit – 385 Occurrences
Love – 230 Occurrences
(Our) Father – 229 Occurrences
신약에서 가장 많이 나오는 워드들. 어커런스 라는게, 문법에서, the lexical aspect or Aktionsart 렉시컬 애스펙트, 악티온싸트, 라고 하는건데, 말하기 구찮고, 말해봐야 못알아들을테고. 걍 대충, 저기선, 흔히 말하는 품사들에 서술어 시제들 엮인걸 다 포함한거지.
신약에선, 믿음 이 러브 보다 더 많아.
Frequency Lists for NT Greek and Biblical Hebrew — Brooke Lester
(Welcome, ad hoc Christianity readers and listeners! I was just hearing from a colleague who notes that vocab-failure is the main cause of flunking a reading competency exam. Hope you find these helpful.) I have created a pair of “frequency lists” for
여기선 따로, 저기 보면 히브루 구약성경도 볼 수 있는데, 구약의 단어들 빈번도, 는 딱히 의미찾을게 약하네.