Nella A Psychic Eye
by Nella Jones

A Romany gypsy, Nella Jones, has known from the age of seven that she was different. With the power to see things other people couldn't, to heal, to communicate with the other side and sometimes to take on the appearance of others, Nella has risen to become one of the best-known British clairvoyants and psychic detectives. Scotland Yard has used her to help solve many of their most famous cases, including the case of the Yorkshire Ripper. In this book she describes the cases in which she has assisted, how she works and how we can use the powers which exist within all of us.

넬라 존스. 로마니 집시.  로마니안 은 로마니아 사람이고, 집시는 로마니.  클레어 보이언트. 클리어 비젼. 불어 고 걍 보여. 투시가 아니라. 거 미드 머냐 꿈에 보이든 걍 보여 범죄현장 범인 이.

더즌즈 면 열두껀 정도. 사기 유괴 살인사건들. 런던경시청에서 다이닝인나이트 씨니어오피서  로 임명. 굿펠로십 명예직 고위직 인거지.

공인된 능력이네.


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