야마가라 시쥬카라
No whisper was too faint to be heard in the House of Black and White. “Child,” said the kindly man one day, “what are those names you whisper of a night?”
“I don’t whisper any names,” she said.
“You lie,” he said. “All men lie when they are afraid. Some tell many lies, some but a few. Some have only one great lie they tell so often that they almost come to believe it … though some small part of them will always know that it is still a lie, and that will show upon their faces. Tell me of these names.”
모두들 거짓말해 두려울 때. 누구들은 많이 누구들은 적게 거짓말해. 누구는 오직 하나 큰 거짓말을 너무 자주해서 지들도 그걸 믿을 지경이돼. 작은 거짓말은 지들도 알거든 거짓인걸 그래서 표정에 드러나지.
The varied tit (Sittiparus varius) is a perching bird from the tit family, Paridae. It occurs in the eastern Palearctic in Japan, Korea, and locally in northeastern China (southern Liaoning) and extreme southeastern Russia (southern Kurile Islands).
팃, 박새 꽈의 머라하냐 걍 베리드 팃. 저건 니뽄 에서 야마가라, 조선 곤줄박이. 저 영상 주인장은 니뽄이야. 영어로 렌트하지만 니뽄 채널이고. 예전 그 박새 채널 이랑 비슷하네
박새 는 시쥬카라 , 저거랑 종이 달라. 색깔이 파래 쟨 좀 섞인거고.
끝에 십분만 보면 뎀.